And lo the one who was fallen shall rise to find his name destroyed and his home burned to ash.
Setting off to find the Three, taking nothing with knowing that he would find what he needed along the way. No one looked at him as he walked through town, fearful of his gaze and fearful of his scorn. Those who looked upon him quickly went about their business. Walking to the store, he was met in the doorway by a trembling young girl who was holding a satchel in both hands like a shield. Taking the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, he turned to tank the girl but she had already disappeared into the depths of the shop.
Looking over the small town that he used to call home and elderly man stepped up beside him, speaking softly "you'll want to head West, that's where why where last seen" Nodding his acknowledgement, the man stretched and put on his had and stepped down onto the dusty street, none to eager about starting his new life.